What is the treatment for sciatica pain and leg pain?

Symptoms, Signs and Diagnosis
The symptoms of sciatica can be said:

Back pain, buttocks and feet are the most common symptoms of sciatica; most patients describe this pain as severe and severe pain that starts at the bottom of one side of the body, and then targets certain muscles, hips and feet. . Sciatica also causes hip pain.

Pain usually exacerbates when sitting or standing for long periods, and often becomes more intense after rising from low-level sitting conditions, such as getting up from the toilet seat.
Most patients experience more pain as a result of sneezing or coughing, laughing, or severe bowel movement. Bending back can also exacerbate pain.
The patient sometimes feels weak in the leg, with ankle pain or leg pain. This weakness may be so severe that it is impossible to move the ankle.
A doctor can usually confirm the symptoms of sciatica according to the symptoms of the diagnosis. An expert physician will ask questions about the symptoms experienced and which part of the body is being affected. Sciatica generally causes pain, numbness, and stiffness that emanates from the waist and spreads down to one leg. Foot pain is generally more severe than any lumbar pain. A simple experiment called "Effective Partial Elevation Testing" helps clinicians to diagnose sciatica infection. The patient lays on the back of the test and legs directly and Pulled, then lifting one foot each time. The onset of pain or exacerbation of symptoms by raising one of the legs usually indicates that the patient is suffering from sciatica, which is one of the ways to treat sciatica.

Warning signs
 The expert physician during the examination will ask questions about the medical history and the individual situation in order to find out the potential for a more serious cause of sore throat, such as Cauda echinoa syndrome, spinal infection, stinging fractures, or cancer. Doctors mention these warning signs with the term "red flags". Red flags indicating the ecdvina Cuda syndrome include:

Fainting or numbing between the legs or around the thighs
Lately, loss of bladder and / or intestinal control
Weak leg and ankle
Red flags indicating cancer or infection include:

Being over the age of 50 or under the age of 20
History of cancer
Symptoms of fever, cold fever or unexplained weight loss
Have recently been infected with bacterial infection, such as having a urinary tract infection
History of injecting unauthorized drugs such as heroin or cocaine
Having a weakening immune system, such as HIV
Abnormal structural deformity of the spine
The cause of sciatica pain is to squeeze or stimulate the sciatic nerve along the lower back to the ankle. There are various reasons for this condition, but the main cause of sciatica is in most cases a hernia or disillusionment of the disk. The term "frustration" of the waistline with the disillusionment of the disc should not be confused.

Hernia or disillusionment of the disc
The spine is composed of vertebras, discs and nerves. The vertebrae are bone fragments that form the spine structure and protect the nerves. The discs protect the beads and interpose them. These disks consist of a hard fibrous compartment that contains a softer gel material. The rupture of the disc occurs when the outer part of the disk is broken (slit), the gel in the disk can eject it and extend to the outer part between the vertebrae. The result of pushing this prominence into the sciatic nerve is the sciatic pain. The reason for the breakdown of the uniaxial disk is unknown, although age is one of the common causes. Spinal discs lose their water as the age rises, and as a result their flexibility decreases and their chance of breaking up, this disorder is sometimes referred to as a "disaster-wiping disorder." The word spondylolisthesia or the waist-back disillusionment refers to anterolisthesis or posterolisthesis of one of the lower back vertebrae. Waist arthritis and lumbar disillusionment are problems that affect the position of the lower back waistline in a row. Waist arthritis is caused by weakness or pressure due to fracture of the vertebrae in the region of the vertebrae. This weakness can cause the bones to slip from the normal state, which is called frustration of the lower back.

Spinal cord duct
Spinal osteosarcoma is the constriction that the spinal cord passes through it along the spine. Spinal cord duct occurs when lobes (ligaments) grow excessively, but the prominence of spinal discs and bone sphincter disks can not affect the incidence of this disorder. Sciatic nerve is sometimes affected, meaning that the symptoms usually include lower back pain, limb legs and curvature, and difficulty walking. The narrowing of the spinal cord is usually the result of age-related changes in the spine, but it can also be due to a degenerative disease of the joint, which causes the spines to no longer be in the same direction.

Lumbar Lumbar Lace
Asundilolysis (lumbar spine or lumbar spine) occurs when a seal slips out of its place. If the frustration of the vertebra pushes pressure on the sciatic nerve, it will sciatica the sciatica. The widespread erosion or associated with the age of the septum is the most common cause of spondylolysis. However, the fractures of the septum and the repeated and excessive bending of the spine can also be attributed to the incidence of this complication in younger patients.

Other causes
Sometimes the causes of sciatic pain were as follows:

Spinal infection
Damage and stroke of the spine or ligaments and surrounding muscles
Excessive tumors in the spine
Koody Okina syndrome
Time to visit a specialist doctor
The pain of the sciatic vein in most patients is resolved after a few weeks, however, this pain persists in some cases for one year or in chronic form. If symptoms are severe or persistent, or if they get worse, it's best to go to the doctor over time. General practitioner is usually able to confirm the cause of lower back and lower pain based on symptoms, suggest appropriate treatments and, if necessary, refer the patient to a physician.

Contact the Emergency Medical Center if you have anesthetized legs and around the hips, or if you lose control of the bladder or intestine immediately. These symptoms can be a sign of a serious complication called the Cauda Equina syndrome (horse's tail or spinal cord syndrome), which, of course, is uncommon.

Because the signs and symptoms of the sciatic nerve vary from person to person, the physician will first be informed of the patient's full health status. These evaluations include the incidence of any previous injuries in the patient, the location of the pain, and the severity of the pain. The next step is to perform a physical examination, which involves assessing the strength and flexibility of the muscles. The physician also requires the patient to perform tensile tests to evaluate the occurrence of sciatica pain during movement in the patient's body. The next stage is diagnosis for people who have sciatica pain for more than a month or have a certain disease, such as cancer. Tests to assess the condition of the nerves in the body are required in these cases. Also, taking photographic tests can provide images of the spine to the doctor, and the doctor can assess the cause of the pain by these pictures.

Sciatica pain treatment
Sciatica does not always need to treat sciatica, because it is a problem that will improve itself within about six weeks.

Nevertheless, if there are severe or persistent symptoms, many existing therapies can be addressed.

Sciatica treatment usually involves self-help and conservative treatment such as drug therapy and back pain physiotherapy, although the effectiveness and effectiveness of many of these treatments for sciatica improvement is not clear. Interstitial disks make up one quarter of the spine length. The discs are thicker in the neck and waist region that move more. One of the ways to treat them is to treat low back pain with laser.

Surgery is recommended in few cases to correct the problem in the spine, which is the cause of the symptoms.

Sciatica treatment at home
The patient can take measures to relieve the symptoms of troublesome sciatica, including being active as much as possible, using cold or hot compresses, and using simple painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

Exercise and Exercise
Being active as long as you have a history of sciatica and doing physical activity is as effective as possible in treating sciatic nerve.

Simple exercises such as walking and tensile stretching are effective in relieving the severity of the symptoms and strengthening the muscles behind the body and the treatment of sciatic nerve.

Although absolute rest and lying in the bed of temporary relief of sciatic pain, long-term rest is often harmful and unnecessary.

If you get a vacation due to Sciatica, it's best to get back to work again as soon as possible.


The pain of some patients is relieved by some cold or hot compresses.

By wrapping a frozen peanut packet in a towel, you can easily make a cold compress. Hot compresses can also be purchased from pharmacies.

Sometimes alternate use of hot and cold compresses is a better result.

If you suffer from persistent or severe chronic sciatica pain, it will be beneficial to use the following substitution medications. However, you should consult your doctor to use for the treatment of back pain and sciatica pain.

Parastamol and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen
Opioid analgesics like codeine or in severe and severe cases, morphine
Triangular anti-depressants (TCAs) such as amitriptyline. These drugs are originally produced to treat depression, but they are also effective in the treatment of dysatics.
Anticonvulsants such as gabapentin. These types of medications were originally designed to treat epilepsy, but are also useful as triangular antidepressants for the treatment of nerve pain.
These medicines are not suitable for all patients, especially if they are used for a long time, so consultation with the general practitioner is necessary for all available options. Taking some of these medications may cause significant side effects for some patients.

If the prescribed analgesics were not effective by the general practitioner, one could refer to a specialist for other treatments.

Injection into the spinal column
If other pain relief methods are not effective, the general practitioner will refer the patient to a specialist for injection of local anesthetic and / or corticosteroid medication into the spine.

Strong analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs directly enter the inflammatory region around the spinal nerves to reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve and relieve the pain temporarily.

Radiation Particular Injection (PRT)
In PRT injection, a narrow needle closes to the nerve root in the spine and is monitored through ultrasound images of the body. In this method, which is the practice of closure of the spine, after determining where the drug should be injected, the physician inserts the needle at a specific depth so that the medication approaches the problem nerve as much as possible. The PRT injection method is a radiologic treatment for treating pain due to erosion of the backbone, cervical disc, chest, or hernia of the disc or lumbar disc lining.

Before performing this surgical procedure, the spine and damaged nerve roots should be well recognized. Therefore, CT scan or MRI is necessary before surgery. The vertebra to be treated is controlled by Soyo Gay and is recorded in an image. This will determine the direction and depth of the needle entry. The injection needle then approaches as close as possible to the nerve root using a laser beam, and anti-inflammatory drugs (usually anesthetic and cortisone) are injected. Treatment results are based on the delivery of anti-inflammatory drugs to the target area. The purpose of this treatment is to break the unfinished cycle of pressure on the nerve and to swallow it with greater strain. This method is effective in treating sciatic pain and reducing back pain and neck pain. It is also used to treat the waist and neck disks. Patients are first placed on the abdomen. The place to be treated should be disinfected. Then, with a local anesthetic, a narrow needle can be placed gently in the spine under the control of the camera. The exact tip of the needle is specified by a mark, if necessary. In this needle, a very strong anti-inflammatory drug (usually cortisone) and topical anesthetic drugs are injected. Treatment takes place within 5 to 10 minutes.

Results are visible within a few days. We usually treat three treatments within one week to see more long-term symptoms.

A general practitioner in some cases provides a suitable exercise program for each patient or introduces him to a physiotherapy doctor. A physiotherapist can reduce the sciatic pain of a patient by taking steps such as warming up, electrical stimulation, electrical fields, stretching and other measures.

Doctor Physiotherapy for the treatment of sciatica pain with exercise teaches a variety of exercises that help strengthen back muscles and increase spinal flexibility; he also teaches the patient how to improve the condition and reduce the pressure on the back of the body.

Fortunately, surgery is rarely necessary for the treatment of sciatica, but if it comes from a cause such as a hernia or disillusionment of the disc, resistance to other treatments or gradual exacerbation of the symptoms is recommended.

The type of surgical procedure depends on the foot sciatica. Some surgical options include:

Diskectomy (removal of the spinal disk) In this operation, a portion of the pressure disc importer is removed to the nerve. (This is the most common surgical procedure.)
The fusion operation or the drying of the spinal cord can be welded by means of metal screws and rods, which can be slipped and protruded from a place by a cage such as plastic or metal between the vertebrae.
Laminectomy This procedure is often used to treat the spinal cord stenosis, where a part of the nut called lamina is removed.
These sciatica surgical procedures are in many cases successful, but the operation of the spine, like all surgeries, is not safe. Various potential complications include cases of site-operated infection, to more serious cases, such as permanent spinal nerves.

The surgeon will talk with the patient about the benefits and relative risks before choosing an action type.

Sciatica prevention
Lifting or carrying things in the wrong way is one of the main causes of back injury, especially at work. Learning the right way to do this and putting these training in the prevention of sciatica is effective. Sciatica SOS Book can help to cure it within 7 days.

Think before you pick up objects. Do you have the ability to lift such a body? Is there a hand around it that makes lifting easier?
Place the body in a good position before lifting the body. Legs should be spaced from each other so that one foot is positioned slightly forward to keep it in balance. When lifting the body, allow your legs to bear the pressure. Slightly bend your back, knees and hips, but do not sit up or bend. Tighten the muscles of the abdomen. Do not flatten your legs before lifting, as you may push your waist when lifting the object.
Keep the load close to your back as far as you can near the body so that the heaviest part of it is closer to you all the way.
Avoid turning your waist or bending to one side, especially when bending your waist, shoulders should be flat and in the same direction as the hip joints. Turning while moving your legs is better than picking up and rolling at the same time.
Keep your head up when you lift the load correctly and you are sure of its balance, look upwards not to load or down.
Know your limits There is a significant difference between what you can lift and what you can safely lift up. Get help from others if you are in doubt about lifting and transporting the device.
Push the body forward, do not follow it. If you have to move a heavy object on the floor, pushing it is better than pulling it.
Divide the weight equally. If you carry bags or handbags, divide the weight evenly on both sides of the body.

How to sit, stand and lie in the back is important. Applying the following recommendations is helpful in keeping your body healthy:

Standing: Stand flat and smooth with no head and back. Divide your weight evenly on two legs and keep your legs flat. Sit down is better to sit flat with a small backrest. The knees and hip joints should be in the same direction and the foot should be placed on a flat surface of the ground.
Driving: Make sure your back is well supported and fitted well. Putting the mirror at the right angle prevents you from turning around while driving. The pedals that are controlled by the foot should be placed in the square opposite to your feet. During long-term driving, create regular breaks so you can stretch and pull your legs.
Sleeping: It is advisable for your joint to be rigid enough to support the body by supporting the weight of the shoulders and hips and keeping the spine firmly.
Exercise: Regular exercise reduces the risk of hernia by slowing down the age-related dementia behind the back of the body. Plus, exercise for sciatic pain is beneficial for strong and flexible back muscles.
Chronic sciatica pain or foot sciatica is a relatively common condition. If this condition does not respond to initial treatment, see your doctor to prescribe the best treatment for you. Most patients respond to non-surgical procedures and control their pain and do not require surgery.
